Communiqué de Presse du 16 mars 2020

Communication de l’EUIPO – Mesures exceptionnelles
Sur le site de l’EUIPO vient d’être publié le communiqué suivant :
« On 14 March, the Spanish government activated a ‘state of alarm’ due to the spread of COVID-19 across Spain. Among the measures announced by Royal Decree 463/2020 is a limitation of movement, meaning that citizens and residents of Spain should leave their homes only under very specific circumstances, such as to buy food and medicines.
As a result, at the weekend, the Executive Director of the EUIPO authorised the activation of the Office’s business continuity protocol, with the effect that as and from Monday 16 March, all EUIPO staff will work from home. This is done to protect the health and safety of staff, stakeholders and the wider community.
Measures have been implemented to ensure an uninterrupted service for users; as far as possible under the circumstances, business at the EUIPO continues as usual. Trade mark and design applications will continue to be received, examined and published, and the Office will continue to send communications and set deadlines. Bulletins will continue to be published as usual.
A decision of the Executive Director has been published extending all time limits to 1 May 2020″.
L’EUIPO a pris la décision d’étendre tous les délais au 1er mai prochain. Cette disposition concerne tous les titres européens marques, dessins et modèles…
« Our Information Centre and Second Line will continue to operate as normal to receive queries by phone or email.
We are committed to providing the best service to our users we can during this period, and we will be publishing regular updates on our website and through our social media channels.
Users are also advised that the Office’s headquarters will remain closed until further notice; no visitors will be admitted and all events scheduled at the Office during this period are postponed ».
Source EUIPO :